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You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

You don't have credit card details available. You will be redirected to update payment method page. Click OK to continue.

You are no longer able to login to this account. Please, contact support for further information

Please note that it’s possible to cancel the subscription after 48 hours (2 days) of trial.
However, you have a 7-day FREE trial, so you still have plenty of time left to check out the entire JumpStory platform, before you decide

– Have you tried the AI-generator to create the images that you didn’t find in search?
– Have you tried using different search words and terms to get better results?
– Have you tried our time-saving features such as AI background remover; image editor; image archive etc.?

If you still want to cancel JumpStory before the end of 7-day trial period, simply go in here again after the two days (48 hours) after your sign-up date to do so.
If you decide to continue with JumpStory after the 7-day free trial period, you don’t have to do anything 😊

As a startup we value your product feedback very much. If you have any ideas to improve the search; the AI-generator or other input to services or features that you’re missing, please do let us know. We hope to be in this journey together with you for a long time.

Create new ICONS in seconds

Our library of icons is limited. That’s why we’ve launched our new AI-generator, where you can turn text into icons in seconds.

TRY IT OUT – Start creating icons

Create your own ILLUSTRATIONS

Our library of illustrations is pretty limited. That’s why we’ve created our new AI-generator, where you can turn text into beautiful illustrations in seconds.

Try our new AI-GENERATOR

Your JumpStory subscription has expired

Simply choose a plan below and regain access in seconds

Your account has been suspended

We were unable to charge your JumpStory subscription, please update your payment method to regain access.
Click on the button below to activate your plan and gain access

1According to our Fair Use terms. Charged immediately.